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Date: Fri, 11 Aug 95 21:31 CDT
From: johnc@mcs.com (John Crookshank)
To: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com (lightwave)
Subject: 50mhz cpu plug-in?
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on 10-Aug-95 22:28:30, Mike McCool (mikemcoo@efn.org) Emailed:
> Anybody heard anything about such an animal? At the local users's group
> meeting last night, some fellow mentioned a 'replacement chip' or
> plug-in type thing that goes in the cpu slot and turns your amiga into
> a 50mhz. He didn't know WHICH amiga, and someone else said it wasn't
> 50mhz, but 60 or 100--but both agreed they'd heard it costs under 600
> bucks.
This is the "Doubler" - a 50Mhz 68040 adapter for the A4000. Since it does
not have a local ram bus like the Warp Engine, it will show only a modest
30% increase in speed. It was benchmarked in Video Toaster User magazine a
month or so ago. Yup - only $599. Compared to the 300% increase of the Warp
Engine, it's not very cost-effective, but if $599 is all you can afford, I